Poor Quality of Search Results
The results returned by search engines have improved significantly over prior engines BUT are still abysmal in so many cases. Disagree? Here are a few simple queries you can make to see the poor quality of current search results:
Query: History of Search Engines
Query: History of Search Engines
Results: Notice the results that are outdated, poorly presented, have duplicate content, or are covering SEO rather than search engines properly.
Query: "Best {Product/Service}"
Query: Best {Product/Service}
Choose whatever product or service you like - refrigerator, laptop, bed, headphones, etc.
Most reviews come from "big entity" sites - the indie/personal web is missing.
It is easy to end up reading the same/similar review on multiple sites before finding unique/helpful content.
Some sites are no-name brands that may have questionable practices (e.g., not actually testing products that are reviewed, reviews that drive the viewer to the highest commission generating product).
Oftentimes the length of the articles and the details shared are of interest to search engines but unnecessarily verbose for humans.
Query: "CNN" or "Fox News" or "{Organization Name}"
Query: CNN or Fox News or {Organization Name}
Often dominated by the organization itself (not entirely unreasonably).
Many organizations (e.g. news) have duplicate content from sites syndicating their content. Do we really want to see the same story from CNN, APNews, and MSNBC?
One can use query operators to refine the results (but how many people do you know who use them or are even aware that they exist?).
Even if one uses query operators the number of sites that need to be excluded can become quite lengthy and must be recreated for each query.
Query: {Medical Topic}
Query: {Any Medical Topic}
Results: Medical topics, oftentimes of critical importance to the searcher, return notoriously poor results. These results suffer from information that is:
Incorrect - Oftentimes sincere, this information is untested and sometimes dangerous.
Incomplete - Does not provide enough information for an individual to take informed action.
Redundant - A number of larger medical sites provide primarily redundant information regarding the cause, diagnosis, treatment, prospects, etc.
Commercial Information - Treatments of questionable value are marketed to individuals at high costs.
We could go on ad nauseum with examples of poor quality search results but we don't want to bore you.
If you need more examples, reach out to us.
For Further Consideration
Keselman A, Arnott Smith C, Murcko AC, Kaufman DR. Evaluating the Quality of Health Information in a Changing Digital Ecosystem. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2019;21(2):e11129. DOI: 10.2196/11129.
Jimenez G, Lum E, Car J. Examining Diabetes Management Apps Recommended From a Google Search: Content Analysis. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 2019;7(1):e11848. DOI: 10.2196/11848.
Le H, Maragh R, Ekdale B, High A, Havens T, and Shafiq Z. Measuring Political Personalization of Google News Search. In The World Wide Web Conference (WWW '19). Association for Computing Machinery, 2019; 2597-2963. DOI: 10.1145/3308558.3313682.
Metaxa D, Park JS, Landay JA, and Hancock J. Search Media and Elections: A Longitudinal Investigation of Political Search Results. Proceedings of the ACM Human-Computer Interaction 3, CSCW, Article 129 (November 2019), 17 pages. DOI: 10.1145/3359231.
Last updated
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